College and Career Mentor Program (CCMP) - article thumnail image

College and Career Mentor Program (CCMP)

Dear 6th Grade Families,

Peters 4-6 Elementary school has been selected to participate in the College and Career Mentorship Program once again this year. This program is designed to help and support students to become academically successful in their current and future classes. While attending the after school classes,  students will discuss their current and future goals and how to achieve them. The program will also teach students how to be successful scholars and stress the importance of good study habits and motivation. The lessons will be taught by alumni mentors who attended Peters or nearby schools and are currently enrolled in college. This is a great opportunity for your child to learn how to get into college by a student who was once in the same position and can help guide your child towards their future academic goals. 

There will be 3 Rounds of classes offered this year. Each round will last about 6 weeks, with class being held after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students will be given 10 minutes right after school for a snack break. CCMP classes will begin at 2:25 and end at 3:25.

  • Round 1 dates: Tuesdays & Thursdays 10/8-11/21, with no class during Conference Week (11/12-11/19)
  • Round 2 dates: Tuesdays & Thursdays 12/10-1/30
  • Round 3 dates: Tuesdays & Thursdays 2/11-4/10, with no class during Conference Week (2/24-3/3) or Science Camp (4/2-4/4)

Permission slips will be collected digitally this year. Please use the QR Code in your preferred language to complete. You will also be able to request your preferred round. If you are in need of a physical permission slip, please let your child’s teacher know.





Sean Dishong
Principal, Peters 4-6